United States vs Iran Relationship: Getting better, or getting worse?

United States vs Iran Relationship: Getting better, or getting worse?

Fontainebleau.me - United States vs Iran Relationship: Getting better, or getting worse? "Heats up" An inappropriate word to indicate the condition of our earth lately.

But it is also suitable to describe the relationship between Iran and America they have fought for a long time, but only in this Trump administration has there been an extraordinary attack Iranians certainly don't stay quiet, they are full of grudges and promises will be answered and of course, this incident makes each country have its own problems.

Lately it seems like their relationship is getting better but what next? will there be more attacks?
and will it involve other countries? or the problem is over? although military fighting is now starting to look impossible the possibility of war is also not permitted.

Yes, unlike some people on the internet who don't have this fear.

But Iranian leaders have vowed to avenge Sulaiman's death.

Until now Iran has been firing missiles out of the nuclear agreement, almost took revenge on America even though its targets were not reached.

Instead they shot down civilian planes containing hundreds of people, therefore recently America has given economic sanctions to Iran.

Which causes hundreds of thousands of Iranians in America problems.

It seems that Iran will be a total effort to fight sanctions but now the question is, what is the total?
because there hasn't been a fatal incident, we can only guess at any scenario that might occur.

They can only respond strongly to these economic sanctions but if there were Americans who were victims, the Trump administration would certainly not refrain from attacking their headquarters.

In addition, each partner can also take part if America plans to get a war permit from the United Nations. Russia and China, Iran's allies can fight but actually if we look further, today's war is like eating porridge using chopsticks, which is of no use.

First of all, geography entering Iran is not like traveling Iran has so much combined its territories in France, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain.

Still smaller than the territory of Iran the country is surrounded by mountains and in the south, there is also the sea in the middle of the desert stretches in short, Iran is like a fortress America can try to enter through Afghanistan but building a military base there seems impossible the problem is that Afghanistan has ordered Russia.

Even if they succeeded, they still had to go through two deserts and it was difficult.

The other choice they have is entering Iran across the Iraqi border, like this person in the past he managed to conquer the city but did not continue because of the mountain and of course, Iran made it a valuable experience east ... not west ... there is no choice left from the southern sea In addition to the difficult terrain, Iran has also prepared its weapons there.

They even built fortifications which although for example somehow the Americans managed to enter through there Iran's major cities are in the north they still have a long way to go.

Secondly, in terms of the American military, it has the most sinister of all soldiers in the world
Their budget for the military is very much so that it is enough to pay for military costs in Britain, China, Russia India, France, Japan, South Korea to Israel at once and even that still has a few hundred billion dollars left.

But if America wants to attack Iran, they will need millions of troops greater than almost ten times the number of troops in the Iraq war in 2003.

They will struggle to build a base and provide food and logistics.

Third, war is arguably outdated our lives are now very peaceful, in the last century the number of victims of war is very small compared to the past maybe yes, in the past the war could make us rich and have power, but now the most valuable treasure is science no longer in the fields, fields or mines but in institutions so war also has the potential to bring about all kinds of chaos such as cyberspace or nuclear war.

Maybe we already know that nuclear is something that explodes and continues to produce 'mildew smoke'.

But to see the tragedy that can occur because of this we must see the effects on our civilization.

This is the first time a nuclear weapon has been detonated The US dropped a bomb on Hiroshima, Japan and killed 100,000 people houses, buildings and all kinds of objects up to 1 km from the center of the blast were completely destroyed what remains is a mushroom-shaped cloud that reaches 18 km in height, exceeding the height of 130 Monas buildings that have piled up to understand how scary nuclear weapons are, we also have to understand their power.

So they are easily compared to energy from TNT.

One kg of TNT is enough to destroy a small vehicle The Hiroshima bomb is equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT, aka 15,000 times greater shits? that was 75 years ago.

Now the bombs that America has developed are far more almost half of all nuclear weapons in the world belong to America and one of them has 1.3 megatons power that means its power is equivalent to 86 Hiroshima bombs exploded at once if this bomb exploded it would not make any sense
when everything in an area of 50,000 hectares will be burned.

Imagine an area as large as one province of East Java, immediately destroyed by fire in seconds.
the severity of the radiation danger that is ready to poison our bodies will follow in the days and months that follow.

Even with our technological advances, there is no way we can do to prepare for a nuclear attack.
even if it survived the explosion, there is no hospital that can handle nuclear victims.

Those were all disasters that could be caused by one nuclear bomb weapons made without the slightest humanity and only bring pain.

But now one question remains ...

If you already know all kinds of bad consequences that could arise war, why do America and Iran persistently continue to bother attacking each other?

Of course there are many that can be the answer.

But experts think that this American attack is Trump's strategy for the American Election
whose supporters really like action like this.

But on the other hand this attack can also make people doubt him is the president who really beats radical groups? or a leader who is just careless who can't think long? so it's been a while, fortunately, the two countries conflict seems to have started pretty coolly maybe economic transactions will indeed face various obstacles.

But will this fight become a war?

Okay that's the United States vs Iran Relationship: Getting better, or getting worse? the hope their relationship has improved so as not to cause many victims and other damage.

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